14、算法与数据结构 - 实战:递归


 * 汉诺塔问题
 * Created by huangjunyi on 2022/9/1.
public class Recursive01 {

    public static void move(int level, String from, String to, String other) {

        if (level == 1) {

            // 只剩下一层,直接挪过去
            System.out.println(from + " -> " + to);
        } else {

            // 0~n-1 from => other
            move(level - 1, from, other, to);
            // n from => to
            System.out.println(from + " -> " + to);
            // 0~n-1 other => to
            move(level - 1, other, to, from);



 * 不使用额外空间使得栈中元素逆序
 * Created by huangjunyi on 2022/9/2.
public class Recursive02 {

    public static int getBottom(Stack<Integer> stack) {

        int result = stack.pop();
        if (stack.isEmpty()) {

            return result;
        } else {

            int bottom = getBottom(stack);
            return bottom;

    public static void reverse(Stack<Integer> stack) {

        if (stack.isEmpty()) return;
        int bottom = getBottom(stack);



 * 给定一个字符串,返回所有不重复的子序列
 * Created by huangjunyi on 2022/9/2.
public class Recursive03 {

    public static List<String> getSubSeq(String str) {

        char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
        Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
        String path = "";
        int index = 0;
        process(chars, index, set, path);
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        // 收集到的所有答案,放到set中去重
        return list;

    private static void process(char[] chars, int index, Set<String> set, String path) {

        // base case:index越界,遍历完所有字符,收集一个答案
        if (index == chars.length) {

        // 每个位置 要 不要 两个递归
        process(chars, index + 1, set, path);
        process(chars, index + 1, set, path + chars[index]);




 * 给定一个字符串,返回不重复的全排序
 * Created by huangjunyi on 2022/9/2.
public class Recursive04 {

    public static List<String> getAllSortedResult(String str) {

        // set用于收集到的所有答案去重
        Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
        int i = 0;
        char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
        process(chars, i, set);
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        return list;

    private static void process(char[] chars, int index, Set<String> set) {

        // base case:index越界,收集一个答案
        if (index == chars.length) {


        // 每个位置index,从index开始,与后面每个位置交换,跑一个递归
        for (int i = index; i < chars.length; i++) {

            swap(chars, index, i);
            process(chars, index + 1, set);
            // 恢复现场
            swap(chars, index, i);


    private static void swap(char[] chars, int i, int j) {

        char temp = chars[i];
        chars[i] = chars[j];
        chars[j] = temp;



  • 给定一个只由数字组成的字符串,1对应A,2对应B…
  • 将字符串的数据转化为字母,如11,可以转化为AA,也可以转化为K
  • 问:有多少种转化结果

 * 给定一个只由数字组成的字符串,1对应A,2对应B...
 * 将字符串的数据转化为字母,如11,可以转化为AA,也可以转化为K
 * 问:有多少种转化结果
 * Created by huangjunyi on 2022/9/2.
public class Recursive05 {

    public static int getThransferCount(String str) {

        char[] chars = str.toCharArray();
        return process(chars, 0);

    private static int process(char[] chars, int i) {

        if (i == chars.length) return 1;
        int res = 0;
        if (chars[i] == '0') return res;
        res += process(chars, i + 1);
        if (chars[i] == '1') {

            if (i + 1 < chars.length) {

                res += process(chars, i + 2);
        if (chars[i] == '2') {

            if (i + 1 < chars.length && chars[i + 1] >='0' && chars[i + 1] <= '6') {

                res += process(chars, i + 2);
        return res;



  • 给定一组物品,物品有重量和价值两个属性(int[] weights,int[] values两个数组表示)
  • 给定一个背包,背包限制只能承载有限重量(int bag一个整形表示)
  • 问背包承载的最大物品总价值是多少?

 * 背包问题
 * Created by huangjunyi on 2022/9/2.
public class Recursive06 {

    public static int process(int[] weights, int[] values, int bag) {

        return process(weights, values, 0, bag);

    private static int process(int[] weights, int[] values, int index, int space) {

        if (space < 0 || index == weights.length) return 0;
        // 当前位置物品不要,之间下一轮递归
        int p1 = process(weights, values, index + 1, space);
        int p2 = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        if (space >= weights[index]) {

            p2 = values[index] + process(weights, values, index + 1, space - weights[index]);
        return Math.max(p1, p2);



 * N皇后问题(位运算版)
 * Created by huangjunyi on 2022/9/3.
public class Recursive08 {

    public static int nQueue(int n) {

        if (n > 32) return -1;
        int limit = n  == 32 ? -1 : 1 << n - 1;
        int leftLimit = 0; // 左对角线限制
        int rightLimit = 0; // 右对角线限制
        int column = 0; // 已放皇后的列
        return process(limit, column, leftLimit, rightLimit);

    private static int process(int limit, int column, int leftLimit, int rightLimit) {

        if (limit == column) return 1;
        int res = 0;
        int pos = limit & (~(column|leftLimit|rightLimit)); //可以放皇后的所有位置,&运算是排除范围外的1的干扰
        while (pos != 0) {

            int currPos = pos & (~pos + 1); //每次提前出当前可放皇后位置的最右侧的1
            res += process(limit, column|currPos, (leftLimit|currPos) << 1, (rightLimit|currPos) >> 1);
            pos ^= currPos; //该位置已经尝试过放皇后,去除该位置
        return res;



  • 给定一个整形数组,代表一串纸牌
  • 有A、B两个玩家,从中抽取纸牌,但是每次只能拿最左或者最右侧的纸盘
  • 假设两个玩家双方都绝顶聪明
  • 求最后获胜方的结果值

 * 给定一个整形数组,代表一串纸牌
 * 有A、B两个玩家,从中抽取纸牌,但是每次只能拿最左或者最右
 * 假设两个玩家双方都绝顶聪明
 * 求最后获胜方的结果值
 * Created by huangjunyi on 2022/9/3.
public class Recursive07 {

     * 先手拿牌
     * @param values
     * @param left
     * @param right
     * @return
    public static int first(int[] values, int left, int right) {

        if (left == right) return values[left];
        return Math.max(values[left] + second(values, left + 1, right), values[right] + second(values, left, right - 1));

     * 后手拿牌
     * @param values
     * @param left
     * @param right
     * @return
    public static int second(int[] values, int left, int right) {

        if (left == right) return 0;
        return Math.min(first(values, left + 1, right), first(values, left, right - 1));

    public static int getWinValue(int[] values) {

        return Math.max(first(values, 0, values.length - 1), second(values, 0, values.length - 1));
