28、Golang 教程 - go中的OOP-多态





让我们通过一个计算公司的净收入的程序来了解Go的多态。为简单起见,让我们假设该公司有两种收入途径:固定计费和按时间计费。公司净收入是这两种途径之和。我们假设货币是美元,我们不会处理美分。它将使用int表示。(我建议阅读https://forum.golangbridge.org/t/what-is-the-proper-golang-equivalent-to-decimal-when-dealing-with-money/413以了解如何代表美分。感谢Andreas Matuschek在评论部分指出了这一点)。


 type Income interface {

    calculate() int
    source() string



 type FixedBilling struct {

    projectName string
    biddedAmount int

FixedBilling项目有两个字段projectName, 它代表项目的名称, biddedAmount, 它表示项目的投标金额。


 type TimeAndMaterial struct {

    projectName string
    noOfHours  int
    hourlyRate int

TimeAndMaterial结构有三个字段名称projectName(项目的名称)、noOfHours(总时长) 和 hourlyRate(每小时多少钱).


 func (fb FixedBilling) calculate() int {

    return fb.biddedAmount

func (fb FixedBilling) source() string {

    return fb.projectName

func (tm TimeAndMaterial) calculate() int {

    return tm.noOfHours * tm.hourlyRate

func (tm TimeAndMaterial) source() string {

    return tm.projectName

对于FixedBilling项目而言, 收入就是项目的投标金额。因此, 我们从FixedBilling类型的calculate()方法中返回此项。

对于TimeAndMaterial项目, 收入等于 noOfHourshourlyRate 的乘积。此值从接收器类型为TimeAndMaterialcalculate()方法返回。

我们还通过 source() 方法返回了表示收入来源的项目名称。
由于FixedBillingTimeAndMaterial 两个结构体都定义了 Income 接口的两个方法:calculate()source(),因此这两个结构体都实现了 Income 接口。

我们来声明一个 calculateNetIncome 函数,用来计算并打印总收入。

 func calculateNetIncome(ic []Income) {

    var netincome int = 0
    for _, income := range ic {

        fmt.Printf("Income From %s = $%d\n", income.source(), income.calculate())
        netincome += income.calculate()
    fmt.Printf("Net income of organisation = $%d", netincome)

上面的函数接收一个 Income 接口类型的切片作为参数。它通过遍历切片并调用每一个calculate()方法来计算总收入。它还通过调用source()方法来显示收入来源。根据Income接口的具体类型, 将调用不同的calculate()source()方法。因此, 我们已经在calculateNetIncome函数中实现了多态。

将来如果公司增加了一种新的收入途径, 这个函数仍然可以正确计算总收入, 而不需要修改任何一行代码。


 func main() {

    project1 := FixedBilling{

     projectName: "Project 1", biddedAmount: 5000}
    project2 := FixedBilling{

     projectName: "Project 2", biddedAmount: 10000}
    project3 := TimeAndMaterial{

     projectName: "Project 3", noOfHours: 160, hourlyRate: 25}
    incomeStreams := []Income{

     project1, project2, project3}

在上面的main函数中,我们创建了三个项目,两个FixedBilling类型和一个TimeAndMaterial类型。接下来,我们使用这3个项目创建一个Income类型的切片。由于每个项目都实现了Income接口,因此可以将这三个项目添加到一个Income类型的切片中。最后,我们用这个切片作为参数调用函数calculateNetIncome,它将显示各种项目的名称 和他们的收入。


 package main

import (  

type Income interface {

    calculate() int
    source() string

type FixedBilling struct {

    projectName string
    biddedAmount int

type TimeAndMaterial struct {

    projectName string
    noOfHours  int
    hourlyRate int

func (fb FixedBilling) calculate() int {

    return fb.biddedAmount

func (fb FixedBilling) source() string {

    return fb.projectName

func (tm TimeAndMaterial) calculate() int {

    return tm.noOfHours * tm.hourlyRate

func (tm TimeAndMaterial) source() string {

    return tm.projectName

func calculateNetIncome(ic []Income) {

    var netincome int = 0
    for _, income := range ic {

        fmt.Printf("Income From %s = $%d\n", income.source(), income.calculate())
        netincome += income.calculate()
    fmt.Printf("Net income of organisation = $%d", netincome)

func main() {

    project1 := FixedBilling{

     projectName: "Project 1", biddedAmount: 5000}
    project2 := FixedBilling{

     projectName: "Project 2", biddedAmount: 10000}
    project3 := TimeAndMaterial{

     projectName: "Project 3", noOfHours: 160, hourlyRate: 25}
    incomeStreams := []Income{

     project1, project2, project3}


 Income From Project 1 = $5000  
Income From Project 2 = $10000  
Income From Project 3 = $4000  
Net income of organisation = $19000 


假设该公司找到了新的收入途径 - 广告。让我们看看添加这个新的收入途径并计算总收入是多么简单,由于多态性,不需要对calculateNetIncome函数进行任何更改。


 type Advertisement struct {

    adName     string
    CPC        int
    noOfClicks int

func (a Advertisement) calculate() int {

    return a.CPC * a.noOfClicks

func (a Advertisement) source() string {

    return a.adName

Advertisement类型有三个字段adName(广告名称)、 CPC (每次点击价钱) 和noOfClicks (点击次数)。来自广告的总收入是CPCnoOfClicks的乘积。.

让我们稍微修改一下main函数, 以包括这个新的收入途径。

 func main() {

    project1 := FixedBilling{

     projectName: "Project 1", biddedAmount: 5000}
    project2 := FixedBilling{

     projectName: "Project 2", biddedAmount: 10000}
    project3 := TimeAndMaterial{

     projectName: "Project 3", noOfHours: 160, hourlyRate: 25}
    bannerAd := Advertisement{

     adName: "Banner Ad", CPC: 2, noOfClicks: 500}
    popupAd := Advertisement{

     adName: "Popup Ad", CPC: 5, noOfClicks: 750}
    incomeStreams := []Income{

     project1, project2, project3, bannerAd, popupAd}



 package main

import (  

type Income interface {

    calculate() int
    source() string

type FixedBilling struct {

    projectName  string
    biddedAmount int

type TimeAndMaterial struct {

    projectName string
    noOfHours   int
    hourlyRate  int

type Advertisement struct {

    adName     string
    CPC        int
    noOfClicks int

func (fb FixedBilling) calculate() int {

    return fb.biddedAmount

func (fb FixedBilling) source() string {

    return fb.projectName

func (tm TimeAndMaterial) calculate() int {

    return tm.noOfHours * tm.hourlyRate

func (tm TimeAndMaterial) source() string {

    return tm.projectName

func (a Advertisement) calculate() int {

    return a.CPC * a.noOfClicks

func (a Advertisement) source() string {

    return a.adName
func calculateNetIncome(ic []Income) {

    var netincome int = 0
    for _, income := range ic {

        fmt.Printf("Income From %s = $%d\n", income.source(), income.calculate())
        netincome += income.calculate()
    fmt.Printf("Net income of organisation = $%d", netincome)

func main() {

    project1 := FixedBilling{

     projectName: "Project 1", biddedAmount: 5000}
    project2 := FixedBilling{

     projectName: "Project 2", biddedAmount: 10000}
    project3 := TimeAndMaterial{

     projectName: "Project 3", noOfHours: 160, hourlyRate: 25}
    bannerAd := Advertisement{

     adName: "Banner Ad", CPC: 2, noOfClicks: 500}
    popupAd := Advertisement{

     adName: "Popup Ad", CPC: 5, noOfClicks: 750}
    incomeStreams := []Income{

     project1, project2, project3, bannerAd, popupAd}


 Income From Project 1 = $5000  
Income From Project 2 = $10000  
Income From Project 3 = $4000  
Income From Banner Ad = $1000  
Income From Popup Ad = $3750  
Net income of organisation = $23750 
